Sat FragNight Games 26-09-20 Screenshots Gallery
Screenshots from last nights IG CTF Games It was really refreshing to play so many solid CTF maps with a good focus on flag running. The Spam maps are fun for maybe a few people […]
Screenshots from last nights IG CTF Games It was really refreshing to play so many solid CTF maps with a good focus on flag running. The Spam maps are fun for maybe a few people […]
Time To Frag!!!! Unreal Tournament 4 Alpha 1 on 1 Elim Tournament Bought to you in cooperation between Gibblets and Mint Gaming.
The FragNights have been really busy lately. Both Gibblets and ClassicUT have been experiencing a steady increase in numbers.UT4 has also seen some love, our last 2 games had a decent attendance rate. This weekend […]
The 469a patch has now made it past the closed beta stages and has been publicly released. Files can be found here: 469 Github Download page Check out the Readme for a overview of the […] -NZ ~Shocks n Rockets~ Gibblets are now hosting’s UT4 group.A discord role has been setup for the for the group @UT4 In #🚩gibblets-info and click the role/roles that apply to you. Download Unreal […]
Unreal Tournament version 469 Release Notes Version 469 is completely network compatible with all previous public releases of UT (down to 432).The UTPG and OldUnreal teams worked hard to maintain binary compatibility with older native […]
From Anthrax Dear OldUnreal and Unreal Tournament communities, What some of you may have already suspected or heard through the grapevine can now finally be announced. The OldUnreal team has reached an agreement with Epic […]
 → UT99 469 patch The long awaited update is a thing of reality.Smirtsch and Anthrax have access to the UT99 source code and currently the project leaders operating in OldUnreal. They are looking to […]
Master Arena is a new FPS game currently in Aplha stages of development. Many players see some similarities with UT, Quake, Warsow and Reflex Master Arena has DM & CTF game modes with weapons and […]
Added the following game servers to query page Pirates Vikings and Knights II Left 4 Dead 2 Team Fortress 2 NZ UT Servers Updates Added Left 4 Dead 1 server setup @ Postal 2 […]