Gibblets Update


→ UT99 469 patch

The long awaited update is a thing of reality.
Smirtsch and Anthrax have access to the UT99 source code and currently the project leaders operating in OldUnreal. They are looking to take on another 2 coders to fill the team.
Show your appreciation/support and donate to
Our support gives something back to the team and there efforts.

I will post the latest release here as soon as it becomes available  🙂


→ At Gibblets

A lot’s happened over the course of the past few months.
I have rolled out a second more powerful dedicated server on my host and added support for Warfork, Ark, Open Arena, Cs 1.6, Cs Source and Half-Life Source DM.
The USA Server UT server is up again.

The utstats servers are currently in a bit of a mess so i’m going to reset the stats fresh till I can restore the log files from backups.

The Melbourne UT host will be up again soon as full dedicated rather than a VPS.

test ip @